
Aqueduct is the oldest method of transporting water over long distances. The first aqueducts were built long before our era and quickly spread throughout the world.


The most famous aqueduct in Portugal appeared in Lisbon at the beginning of the 18th century. For the city, it became a real salvation: it helped solve the problem of shortage of drinking water. The majestic name of the Aguash-Librish aqueduct means “Free Waters”, which once again emphasizes the significance of the grandiose engineering structure.


Today, aqueducts are increasingly playing the role of architectural monuments and decorations of the city. Modern water pipelines provide cities with water faster and more efficiently. But the beauty and technical perfection of aqueducts still captivate our hearts. Like majestic aqueducts, the Aqueduto brand carries water into our homes, filling the bathroom with the beauty, reliability and technology of modern plumbing systems.


Aqueduto - the charm of sunny Portugal in your home. Inspired by Portugal.